Media Production
Case Study: Producing Hospital Overviews for TriStar Health
By: mike king
5 Minute Read
This past year, L&R Media formed a dynamic partnership with TriStar Health to produce a series of video overviews for each hospital in their network. The goal was to create introductory videos for each facility to feature on their website, showcasing each hospital’s unique strengths. Given the project's scale, we needed an approach that would…

L&R Media: A Production Company Built on Strong Craft and Enduring Relationships
By: mike king
3 Minute Read
Working with people in video production can sometimes be a taxing experience. Head-in-the-clouds directors. Moody DPs. That’s not how we roll at L&R Media. We like to think of ourselves as no-nonsense video craftsmen. It not only fits our personal style–it’s the character of our company. Although L&R offers high-class tech solutions, it’s built on…